Fabulous aren't they, darling? These are my brand new eyes and I am in LOVE with them! To be honest, I made them for myself and decided to put them in my store too because they are just too good to keep for only one queen and I am very generous.
Truly a steal, at only 30L per color. The eyelash being worn on the eye are my famous Lush Lashes and as for the skin featured in the ad... well you can read about those below.
Here they are! I am so excited about these new skins of mine that I might just pee a little! Oh...don't worry hun, I'll clean that up...
Anyway! After hours in front of my computer, I've become a shading expert and created my best skins yet! You'll notice that I've gone down to to shades, Light and Tan. Giiirrlll, if you're anything like me then you've huffed your fair share of hairspray and maybe even took some pills you found on the floor back in 1994 during your rave period. It was a mistake now, we both know that, but the last thing you need right now are too many choices. I've made it so easy for you!
The makeup on these will certainly give your avatar that look you've always wanted, BIG AND FABULOUS! I guarantee you will be noticed for all the right reasons. You really have to try them on to see the full effect on your shape so come on down and try a demo on! (Click here to visit my store!)