Monday, December 22, 2008

Merry whatever darlings! Oh I've missed you my sweet babies. I thought I'd blog this little number before it became weird and awkward to wear super sexy Santa outfits, I don't want another repeat of last Easter! On a side note, I truly am sorry Pastor Dan for ruining your moving sermon when my last Sexy Santa mini dress exploded as soon as I stepped into the church (an hour fashionably late, mind you).

As most of you probably already know, ZsaZsa is a cheap bitch so of course I refuse to PAY for a Santa outfit. But luckily there are plenty of freebies out there! The best one I could find is by SHE. Aptly named, its called Miss Santa! I am amazed at all that the freebie includes, it's pretty much everything you see. Unfortunately I cant promise it'll look as fabulous on you as it does on me!

It includes a Santa hat, a two piece corset dress with super mini-flexy skirt, boots and gloves with fluff, mid-drift and cleavage for miles.


I am certain this outfit will brighten up your Christmas on second life. You and your virtual family sitting around the roaring scripted fire, dressed up like sexy santas... its a heart warming scene.

On a side note I just wanted to let all my devoted readers (all 2 of you) that I have been a good little girlie-boy this year and I would not turn it away if you all want to shower me in gifts.

Darlings, I really do hope you have a merry Christmas and a wonderful new year!